
Clara Torres González
As a student of the University of Granada, I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2009 and an Architecture degree in 2020. In 2021, I completed my Master's Degree in Architecture with the highest honors in the Final Master project that year.
I have also worked as a professional photographer since 2014 throughout my studies.
You can see part of my work at
Selected work
Selected photographs from the exhibition 'The Constructed University,' organized by the University of Granada and Heritage UGR. (2023-2024)
Encargo de fotografías para formar parte de la exposición «Azucarera San Isidro. Una historia con futuro». Organizado por la Universidad de Granada y Patrimonio UGR. 2023
«Laboratorio de luz» selected for the joint exposición conjunta de la convocatoria «El Cuarto Lúcido» organizado por Centro de arte contemporáneo José Guerrero y el Colegio de Arquitectos de Granada. 2022
Master's Final Project awarded the best grade (9,5) in the call for the Habilitation Master of Architecture. (2021)
Finalist in the «Photography Exhibition of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism». (2021)
Bachelor's research project «Laboratorio de luz» received the highest grade (10). University of Granada. (2020)
Work selected in the University of Granada's Art Biennial «La más Elegante del Invernadero III». (2009)
*Workplace photography and a Laboratorio de luz model test. 2019